X-Posure: 08 Feb 2025

Artist - Song - Link

Delivery - Deadlines - https://deliveryband.bandcamp.com/
Benefits - Divide - https://www.benefitstheband.com/
[Session Guests] AK/DK - Munch Machine (Live In Brighton) - https://akdk.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Tom Bright - Apple Of My Eye - http://www.tombright.co.uk/
Bria Salmena - Stretch The Struggle - https://www.briasalmena.com/
[Archive Live Studio Session, August 2024] Kate Nash - Millions Of Heartbeats - https://www.katenash.com/
          [Interview Guests: Kate Nash & Sam Duckworth]
Dele Sosimi & The Estuary 21 - For The Love Of It (Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly Remix) - https://delesosimi.bandcamp.com/
The Horrors - More Than Life - https://www.thehorrors.co.uk/
Pit Pony - Vacancy - https://pitponyband.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Mandrake Handshake - Hypersonic Super-Asterid (Radio Edit) - https://www.facebook.com/mandrakehandshakeband/
[Session Guests] AK/DK - Wholes (Live In Brighton) - https://akdk.bandcamp.com/
She Drew The Gun - Howl - https://shedrewthegun.com/
          [Interview Guest: Louisa Roach of She Drew The Gun part 1]
She Drew The Gun - Shine On - https://shedrewthegun.com/
          [Interview Guest: Louisa Roach of She Drew The Gun part 2]
She Drew The Gun - Became - https://shedrewthegun.com/
She Drew The Gun - Washed In Blue - https://shedrewthegun.com/
          [Interview Guest: Louisa Roach of She Drew The Gun part 3]
She Drew The Gun - Nothing Lasts - https://shedrewthegun.com/
Overpass - Take It Or Leave It - https://www.overpassband.com/
Consumables - Great Design - https://consumables.bandcamp.com/
Blofeld Sands - People - https://www.instagram.com/blofeldsands/
Everyone Says Hi - Lucky Stars - https://www.everyone-says-hi.com/
[Session Guests] AK/DK, Thick Richard - Nobody Shouts (Live In Brighton) - https://akdk.bandcamp.com/
          [Session Guests: Interview w/ Graham Sowerby of AK/DK]
AK/DK - All Throught This - https://akdk.bandcamp.com/
The Amazons - My Blood - https://www.theamazons.co.uk/
Welly - The Roundabout Racehorse - https://worldwidewelly.com/
Cdubz - I Used To - https://www.instagram.com/_cdubzz_/
Hannah Rose Platt - Curious Mixtures - https://www.hannahroseplatt.com/

Survey - Link

Music Fan's Voice - https://musicfansvoice.uk/