X-Posure: 07 Feb 2025

Artist - Song - Link

Prima Queen - The Prize - https://prima-queen.com/
Canned Pineapple - Elvis - https://www.cannedpineapple.org/
The K's - Breakdown In My Bedroom - https://theks.band/
Sacred Paws - Turn Me Down - https://sacredpaws.co.uk/
[X-Posure Hot One] AK/DK, Thick Richard - Nobody Shouts - https://akdk.bandcamp.com/
Nadia Reid - Changed Unchained - https://nadiareid.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Nadia Reid part 1]
[Live Studio Guest] Nadia Reid - Hotel Santa Cruz - https://nadiareid.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Nadia Reid part 2]
Melin Melyn - The Pigeon & The Golden Egg - https://melinmelyn.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Nadia Reid part 3]
[Live Studio Guest] Nadia Reid - Even Now - https://nadiareid.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Nadia Reid part 4]
Nadia Reid - Second Nature - https://nadiareid.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Nadia Reid part 5]
[Live Studio Guest] Nadia Reid - Hold It Up - https://nadiareid.com/
          [Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ Nadia Reid part 6]
[X-Posure Big One] Mandrake Handshake - Hypersonic Super-Asterid - https://www.facebook.com/mandrakehandshakeband/
Blondshell - T&A - https://www.blondshellmusic.com/
Jasmine.4.T - Guy Fawkes Tesco Dissociation - https://www.jasmine4t.com/
[Session Guests] Adwaith - Miliwn - https://www.adwaithmusic.com/
          [Session Guests: Interview w/ Gwen, Heledd & Hollie of Adwaith]
[Session Guests] Adwaith - Purdan - https://www.adwaithmusic.com/
Tibia - Loud With You (Angel) - https://www.instagram.com/tibia4you/
Rocket - Take Your Aim - https://www.instagram.com/rockettheband/
Spacey Jane - All The Noise - https://spaceyjane.com.au/
Honesty - Pity - https://www.honestycollective.com/
Permanent (Joy) - I Wanna Go Home - https://permanentjoy.uk/
[Session Guests] Adwaith - Y Ddawns - https://www.adwaithmusic.com/
[Session Guests] Adwaith - Y Diwedd - https://www.adwaithmusic.com/
[Session Guests] Adwaith - Coeden Anniben - https://www.adwaithmusic.com/
Finn Forster - Long Nights - https://www.facebook.com/FinnForsterMusic/
Lucy Dacus - Ankles - https://www.lucydac.us/
Cubzoa - I Dreamed A Beach - https://cubzoa.co.uk/
Hetta Falzon - Sobering - https://www.hettafalzon.com/
Greg Freeman - Colorado - https://gregfreeman1.bandcamp.com/