X-Posure: 29 Nov 2024

Artist - Song - Link

Two Blinks, I Love You - Alright - https://www.twoblinks.net/
Total Tommy - Amsterdam - https://www.instagram.com/total_tommy/
Pale Blue Eyes - Pieces Of You - https://www.paleblueeyes.co.uk/
Better Joy - What A Day - https://www.facebook.com/betterjoymusic/
[X-Posure Hot One] Alffa - Doomsday - https://www.facebook.com/alffaband/
[X-Posure Hot One] Adwaith - Miliwn - https://www.adwaithmusic.com/
The Innocence Mission - Midwinter Swimmers - https://www.theinnocencemission.com/
[Session Guests] Memorials - Acceptable Experience - https://memorialsmusic.bandcamp.com/
          [Session Guests: Interview w/ Verity Susman & Matthew Simms of Memorials]
[Session Guests] Memorials - Cut It Like A Diamond - https://memorialsmusic.bandcamp.com/
Jasmine.4.T - Elephant - https://www.jasmine4t.com/
Greentea Peng - One Foot - https://greenteapeng.net/
Chalk - Tell Me - https://chalkbelfast.bandcamp.com/
Marie Davidson - Sexy Clown - https://mariedavidson.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Ewe & Friends - Preliminary Courage - https://www.instagram.com/eweandfriends/
Yassassin - Way Out Way In - https://yassassinband.bandcamp.com/
The Late Joe Bowman - We're Too Careless - https://thelatejoebowman.bandcamp.com/
The Velvet Hands - Caller - https://www.thevelvethands.co.uk/
Yukimi - Break Me Down - https://yukimi-music.com/
Fredrik Svabo, Thea Wang - Running - https://www.fredriksvabo.com/
Mandrake Handshake - The Change And The Changing - https://www.facebook.com/mandrakehandshakeband/
[Session Guests] Memorials - Boudicaaa - https://memorialsmusic.bandcamp.com/
Magnolia - Five Hundred - https://magnolia11.bandcamp.com/
Waldo's Gift - Malcolm's Law - https://waldos.gift/
Humanist, Peter Hayes - Born To Be - http://www.humanistuk.com/
The Lines - Just See Grey - https://www.facebook.com/thelines.scot/
Berries - Jagged Routine - https://www.berriesband.co.uk/
Oversize - Vital Signs - https://www.berriesband.co.uk/
Rear Window - Multi-Colored Skies - https://www.rearwindow.uk/
Bleach Lab - Drown - https://www.bleachlab.com/
Bradford - A Brief Visitation (Hey, You Got Me) - https://www.facebook.com/BradfordTheBand/
Aderyn - Hangxiety - https://aderynmusic.bandcamp.com/
Punchbag - Pretty Youth - https://punchbagpunchbag.bandcamp.com/
About-Faces - Guestlist - https://www.about-faces.co.uk/
[Session Guests] Memorials - Book Stall - https://memorialsmusic.bandcamp.com/
The Futureheads - The Beginning Of The Twist - https://www.thefutureheads.com/
The Velveteers - Go Fly Away - https://thevelveteers.com/
Everything Is Recorded, Sampha, Laura Groves, Jah Wobble, Yazz Ahmed - Losing You - https://everythingisrecorded.bandcamp.com/
Mirrored Daughters - City Song - https://fikarecordings.bandcamp.com/album/mirrored-daughters/
Flora Hibberd - Jesse - https://www.florahibberd.com/
Max Cooper - The Missing Piece - https://maxcooper.net/