X-Posure: 23 Nov 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Aderyn - Hangxiety - https://aderynmusic.bandcamp.com/Getdown Services - Dog Dribble - https://getdownservices.bandcamp.com/
Wooze - Good Old Fashioned Fun - https://woozeband.bandcamp.com/
Own World - L.M.H. - https://ownworld.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Echolalia - Odd Energy - https://echolaliaband.bandcamp.com/
Berries - Jagged Routine - https://www.berriesband.co.uk/
Fightmilk - That Thing You Did - https://fightmilkisaband.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Lily & Nick of Fightmilk part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Fightmilk - Yearning And Pining - https://fightmilkisaband.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Lily & Nick of Fightmilk part 2]
Hippo Campus - Brand New - https://hippocampus.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Lily & Nick of Fightmilk part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] Fightmilk - Canines - https://fightmilkisaband.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Lily & Nick of Fightmilk part 4]
[Live Studio Guests] Fightmilk - Paddling Pool - https://fightmilkisaband.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Lily & Nick of Fightmilk part 5]
Jasmine.4.T - Elephant - https://www.jasmine4t.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Kim Deal - Nobody Loves You More - https://www.kimdealmusic.com/
[Interview Guest: Kim Deal part 1]
Kim Deal - Coast - https://www.kimdealmusic.com/
Yukimi - Break Me Down - https://yukimi-music.com/
Kim Deal - Crystal Breath - https://www.kimdealmusic.com/
[Interview Guest: Kim Deal part 2]
Kim Deal - Are You Mine? - https://www.kimdealmusic.com/
Chalk - Tell Me - https://chalkbelfast.bandcamp.com/
Cinthie - Rave Baby - https://cinthie803.bandcamp.com/
Sweets - Buttah - https://www.instagram.com/sweetconnector/
Disgusting Sisters - Killing It - https://www.instagram.com/disgustingsistersband/
X-Cetra - Promises -
The Innocence Mission - Midwinter Swimmers - https://www.theinnocencemission.com/
Kim Deal - Summerland - https://www.kimdealmusic.com/
[Interview Guest: Kim Deal part 3]
Kim Deal - A Good Time Pushed - https://www.kimdealmusic.com/
Humanist, Peter Hayes - Born To Be - http://www.humanistuk.com/
Jacob Alon - Confession - https://www.facebook.com/jacobal0n/
Jack Cheshire - Maps - https://jackcheshire.bandcamp.com/
Jeff Parker, ETA IVtet - Chrome Dome - https://www.jeffparkersounds.com/
Shabaka, Billy Woods - Timepieces - https://www.shabakahutchings.com/
Three Quarter Skies - Superwoman - https://threequarterskies.bandcamp.com/
The Velveteers - Go Fly Away - https://thevelveteers.com/
Michael Kiwanuka - The Rest Of Me - https://www.michaelkiwanuka.com/
MJ Lenderman - On My Knees - https://www.mjlenderman.com/