X-Posure: 08 Nov 2024

Artist - Song - Link

Wunderhorse - Rain - https://wunderhorseband.com/
Gans - In Time - https://gansbham.bandcamp.com/
My First Time - Man Of Ill Repute - https://www.facebook.com/my1sttimeband/
[X-Posure Hot One] Men An Tol - NW1 - https://www.facebook.com/menantollondon/
[X-Posure Hot One] KuleeAngee - Animated Love - https://www.instagram.com/kuleeangee/
[X-Posure Hot One] Westside Cowboy - I've Never Met Someone I Could Really Love (Until I Met You) - https://www.westsidecowboy.com/
Divorce - All My Freaks - https://www.divorcehq.co.uk/
Human Interest - Better Press Repeat - https://humaninterest.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Tyler Damara, Harrison & Tyler of Human Interest part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Human Interest - Shapeshifting - https://humaninterest.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Tyler Damara, Harrison & Tyler of Human Interest part 2]
Show Me The Body, High Vis - Stomach - https://showmethebody.com/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Tyler Damara, Harrison & Tyler of Human Interest part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] Human Interest - Nuclear War - https://humaninterest.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Tyler Damara, Harrison & Tyler of Human Interest part 4]
Kaktus Einarsson, Damon Albarn - Gumbri - https://www.kaktus.land/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Tyler Damara, Harrison & Tyler of Human Interest part 5]
[Live Studio Guests] Human Interest - Fade Into You - https://humaninterest.bandcamp.com/
          [Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Tyler Damara, Harrison & Tyler of Human Interest part 6]
Human Interest - Matrix - https://humaninterest.bandcamp.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Nubya Garcia - Triumphance - https://www.nubyagarcia.com/
Bedroom Tax - Mexico - https://www.facebook.com/bedroomtaxmusic/
Soft Launch - Milkshakes - https://www.softlaunchmusic.com/
Feet - Number One - https://feetband.co.uk/
Somebody's Child - Time Of My Life - https://www.somebodyschildmusic.com/
The Clockworks - Blah Blah Blah - https://www.theclockworks.band/
The Amazons - Living A Lie - https://www.theamazons.co.uk/
Thank - Control - https://thankleeds.bandcamp.com/
Anna Erhard - Hot Family - https://www.annaerhard.com/
Sassyhiya - Kristen Stewart - https://sassyhiya.bandcamp.com/
Bags Of Cans - Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps 2 - https://bagofcans.bandcamp.com/
Dirty Blonde - Northern Twang - https://www.facebook.com/wearedirtyblonde/
Deep Sea Diver - Billboard Heart - https://www.thisisdeepseadiver.com/
Keeley - Waves Of 1988 - https://keeleysound.com/
Rats On Rafts - Japanese Medicine - https://ratsonrafts.com/
Meryl Streek - Dogs - https://www.merylstreek.com/
Thank - Do It Badly - https://thankleeds.bandcamp.com/
Dolium - Sheer Velocity - https://www.facebook.com/dolium.music/
The Kites - Comeback Kid - https://www.the-kites.com/
Kitty Fitz - Man In Me - https://kittyfitz.bandcamp.com/
Sassyhiya - Take You Somewhere - https://sassyhiya.bandcamp.com/
Pushpin - Garden Is Nice - https://www.pushpin.band/
Primal Scream - Ready To Go Home - https://www.primalscream.net/