X-Posure: 01 Nov 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Ider - Late To The World - https://www.weareider.com/The Rills - Seasick - https://rills.bandcamp.com/
Regent - Don't Be Long - https://regentrockbandofficial.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Hope Of The States - Long Waits In A&E - https://www.hopeofthestates.co.uk/
Mammoth Penguins - Flyers - https://www.facebook.com/MammothPenguins/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Emma Kupa & Mark Boxall of Mammoth Penguins part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Mammoth Penguins - Species - https://www.facebook.com/MammothPenguins/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Emma Kupa & Mark Boxall of Mammoth Penguins part 2]
Hachiku - Tell Your Friends You Love Them - https://www.hachikumusic.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Emma Kupa & Mark Boxall of Mammoth Penguins part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] Mammoth Penguins - Lost Friends - https://www.facebook.com/MammothPenguins/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Emma Kupa & Mark Boxall of Mammoth Penguins part 4]
[Live Studio Guests] Mammoth Penguins - Everything That I Write - https://www.facebook.com/MammothPenguins/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Emma Kupa & Mark Boxall of Mammoth Penguins part 5]
Mammoth Penguins - Blue Plaque - https://www.facebook.com/MammothPenguins/
Honesty - Measure Me - https://www.honestycollective.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Darkside - Graucha Max - https://www.psychicspiralnothing.com/
The Cure - And Nothing Is Forever - https://www.thecure.com/
Peter Perrett - Disinfectant - https://peterperrett.com/
Pixies - Oyster Beds - https://www.pixiesmusic.com/
[Interview Guest: Black Francis of Pixies part 1]
Pixies - Jane (The Night The Zombies Came) - https://www.pixiesmusic.com/
Sasami - Slugger - https://sasamiashworth.com/
Ellie O'Neill - Bohemia - https://ellieoneill.bandcamp.com/
Stick In The Wheel - Burnt Walk - https://www.stickinthewheel.com/
Pixies - Primrose - https://www.pixiesmusic.com/
[Interview Guest: Black Francis of Pixies part 2]
Pixies - Ernest Evans - https://www.pixiesmusic.com/
Laura Marling - Child Of Mine - https://www.lauramarling.com/
Frank Black - Headache - https://blackfranc.is/
[Interview Guest: Black Francis aka Frank Black part 3]
Frank Black - Superabound - https://blackfranc.is/
Sassyhiya - Kristen Stewart - https://sassyhiya.bandcamp.com/