X-Posure: 27 Sep 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Orla Gartland, Declan McKenna - Late To The Party - https://www.orlagartland.com/Sports Team - Condensation - https://www.sportsteamband.com/
Spangled - Maggie - https://www.facebook.com/Spangledband/
Moses - Raining For Days - https://mosesofficial.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] The Cure - Alone - https://www.thecure.com/
Supermilk - Many Thanks - https://supermilk.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jake, Em, Charlie & Jason of Supermilk part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Supermilk - Sweat - https://supermilk.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jake, Em, Charlie & Jason of Supermilk part 2]
Enumclaw - Grocery Store - https://enumclaw6.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jake, Em, Charlie & Jason of Supermilk part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] Supermilk - Christine - https://supermilk.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jake, Em, Charlie & Jason of Supermilk part 4]
Enola Gay - Cortana - https://enolagay1.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jake, Em, Charlie & Jason of Supermilk part 5]
[Live Studio Guests] Supermilk - A City To Die For - https://supermilk.band/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jake, Em, Charlie & Jason of Supermilk part 6]
Supermilk - Robot Talk - https://supermilk.band/
Amyl And The Sniffers - Chewing Gum - https://www.amylandthesniffers.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Joshua Idehen - Mum Does The Washing - https://joshuaidehen.bandcamp.com/
Anna Erhard - Hot Family - https://www.annaerhard.com/
Pale Waves - Gravity - https://www.palewaves.co.uk/
Hayden Thorpe - They - https://haydenthorpe.com/
[Interview Guest: Hayden Thorpe part 1]
Hayden Thorpe - He - https://haydenthorpe.com/
Adult DVD - Do Something - https://haydenthorpe.com/
Deadletter - More Heat - https://deadletter-band.bandcamp.com/
Ezra Collective - Shaking Body - https://www.ezracollective.com/
W.H. Lung - The Painting Of The Bay - https://www.whlungmusic.com/
Marvin's Revenge - Hugs From Grandma - https://www.marvinsrevenge.co.uk/
Ratbag - Pinky Boy - https://www.worldofratbag.com/
Hayden Thorpe - Song Of The Bomb - https://haydenthorpe.com/
[Interview Guest: Hayden Thorpe part 2]
Hayden Thorpe - Merman - https://haydenthorpe.com/
Matilda Cole - Dionysus - https://www.instagram.com/matildaacole/
Gemma Rogers - No Future - https://www.gemmarogersmusic.com/
October Drift - Wallflower - https://www.facebook.com/octoberdrift/