X-Posure Daily: 15 Aug 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Morphy, Little League - Straight Up - https://www.instagram.com/iam.morphy/Wooze - Sabre Tooth Spider - https://woozeband.bandcamp.com/
Venus Grrrls - Darla - https://www.venusgrrrls.com/
Arxx - Trouble - https://www.arxxband.com/
Nubya Garcia, Richie - Set It Free - https://www.nubyagarcia.com/
The Jesus Lizard - Moto(R) - https://thejesuslizard.bandcamp.com/
Fever 333 - No Hostages - https://fever333.com/
Meryl Streek - Counting Sheep - https://www.merylstreek.com/
Crystal Tides - The Middle - https://www.facebook.com/crystaltidesband/
The Cliffords - Sleeping With Ghosts - https://thecliffordsband.com/
Deyyess - Claire - https://www.instagram.com/deyyessx/
Elephant Kind - Lionel - https://www.elephantkindmusic.com/
Happy Accidents - Dog Day - https://happyaccidentsuk.bandcamp.com/
Odetta Hartman - Good Socks - https://odettahartman.bandcamp.com/
Julie Dawson - Silly Little Song - https://www.instagram.com/julie._.dawson/