X-Posure: 03 Aug 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Deadletter - Relieved - https://deadletter-band.bandcamp.com/Galliano - In The Breaks - https://galliano.bandcamp.com/
Sunflower Bean - Shake - https://www.sunflowerbeanband.com/
Deary - Selene - https://www.dearyband.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Dirty Freud - I'm So Fly - https://www.facebook.com/DirtyFreud/
Ider - Unlearn - https://www.weareider.com/
[Session Guests] Personal Trainer - Round - https://personaltrainertheband.com/
[Session Guests: Interview w/ Willem, Ruben & Kilian of Personal Trainer part 1]
Personal Trainer - Upper Ferntree Gully - https://personaltrainertheband.com/
[Session Guests: Interview w/ Willem, Ruben & Kilian of Personal Trainer part 2]
Sasha Assad - Cherry Cola - https://www.instagram.com/sashaassad/
Sabre Dance - Before The Storm - https://www.facebook.com/sabredanceband/
86TVs - New Used Car - https://www.86tvsband.com/
Stolen Nova, Inner Wave - Saturday Night Don't Start 'Til Sunday Morning - https://www.stolennova.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Meryl Streek - Paddy - https://www.merylstreek.com/
The Chills - Pink Frost - https://www.thechills.band/
The Chills - Kaleidoscope World - https://www.thechills.band/
The Chills - Doledrums - https://www.thechills.band/
Thistle - Bite Bite Bite - https://www.instagram.com/thistle.thistle.thistle/
[Session Guests] Personal Trainer - Intangible - https://personaltrainertheband.com/
[Session Guests: Interview w/ Willem, Ruben & Kilian of Personal Trainer part 3]
[Session Guests] Personal Trainer - What Am I Supposed To Say About The People And Their Ways - https://personaltrainertheband.com/
Telenova - Discotheque Inside My Head - https://www.telenovamusic.co/
Joyce - Voyce - https://joycemakesmusic.bandcamp.com/
Berries - Watching Wax - https://www.berriesband.co.uk/
Friedberg - The Greatest - https://friedbergmusic.com/
Welly - Deere John - https://www.instagram.com/worldwidewelly/
Jack White - That's How I'm Feeling - https://jackwhiteiii.com/
Tex - Short Straws - https://texwee.bandcamp.com/
Cusp - Breathe - https://www.cuspband.co.uk/
The Chills - Look For The Good In Others And They'll See The Good In You - https://www.thechills.band/
The Chills - Dan Destiny And The Silver Dawn - https://www.thechills.band/
The Chills - Worlds Within Worlds - https://www.thechills.band/
Nada Surf - In Front Of Me Now - https://www.nadasurf.com/
Cardinals - Twist And Turn - https://cardinalsie.bandcamp.com/
Fraulein - Feels Like Flying (Day) - https://www.fraulein.co.uk/
Happy Accidents - Dog Day - https://happyaccidentsuk.bandcamp.com/