X-Posure Daily: 24 Jun 2024
Artist - Song - Link
The Mysterines - The Last Dance - https://themysterines.com/Wytch Pycknyck - Columbo No.5 - https://wytchpycknyck.bandcamp.com/
Gut Health - Separate States - https://www.facebook.com/guthealthband/
Redd Kross - I'll Take Your Word For It - https://reddkross.com/
Been Stellar - Sweet - https://beenstellar.com/
Cardinals - Twist And Turn - https://cardinalsie.bandcamp.com/
Betty - Mum Says - https://www.instagram.com/buckbetty/
Jeshi - Total 90 - https://jeshi.co/
O. - TV Dinners - https://www.otheband.com/
King Pari - Better The Devil - https://www.kingparimusic.com/
The Japanese House - :) - https://thejapanesehouse.co.uk/
Fontaines D.C. - Favourite - https://fontainesdc.com/
Coco And The Lost - FigJam 2.0 - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
Kilne - (It Goes Like) Nanana - https://www.facebook.com/kilneband/
Looking Glass Alice - Surrender To The Void - https://www.lookingglassalice.com/