X-Posure: 22 Jun 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Matilda Cole - Big Mouth - https://www.instagram.com/matildaacole/Bones Ate Arfa - Akimbo People - https://www.instagram.com/bones_ate_arfa/
Wytch Pycknyck - Rawkuss - https://wytchpycknyck.bandcamp.com/
Hana Lili - Figure It Out - https://www.facebook.com/hanalilimusic/
The Dare - Perfume - https://www.instagram.com/itsthedare/
[X-Posure Hot One] Rakim, Kurupt, Masta Killa - Be ILL - https://rakimpresents.com/
A Certain Ratio - God Knows - https://www.acrmcr.com/
Coco And The Lost - FigJam 2.0 - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Coco And The Lost part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Coco And The Lost - What It Looks Like Now - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
Coco And The Lost - I've Got Nothing For You John - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Coco And The Lost part 2]
[Live Studio Guests] Coco And The Lost - Goodnight - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Coco And The Lost part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] Coco And The Lost - Communicator - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Coco And The Lost part 4]
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Frogs - https://www.nickcave.com/
[X-Posure Big One] B O D I E S - Carmen - http://www.b-o-d-i-e-s.com/
Malcolm Jiyane Tree-O - South African Jam - https://malcolmjiyanetree-o.bandcamp.com/
Pale Jay - Easy, Lee - https://palejay.bandcamp.com/
The Horse Heads - WTF NGL - https://www.facebook.com/TheHorseHeads/
Alias Kid - Out With The Boys - https://www.aliaskid.co.uk/
This Is War! - Rivals - https://www.facebook.com/thisiswarband/
Redd Kross - I'll Take Your Word For It - https://reddkross.com/
Enns - Screensssss - https://www.instagram.com/ennsennsenns/
Televised Mind - Oxygen Thieves - https://www.facebook.com/televisedmind/
Supermilk - Many Thanks - http://supermilk.band/
Enola Gay - Cold - https://enolagay1.bandcamp.com/
Cooper T - Mistakes - https://www.facebook.com/cooooper.t/
Moon Diagrams - NRG - https://moondiagrams.bandcamp.com/
Avey Tare, Panda Bear - Vampire Tongues - https://aveytare.com/
House Of Protection - It's Supposed To Hurt - https://www.houseofprotectionmusic.com/
Feiertag - Persistence - https://www.facebook.com/iamfeiertag/
Kilne - (It Goes Like) Nanana - https://www.facebook.com/kilneband/
Fulu Miziki - Mosala - https://fulumiziki.bandcamp.com/
Dead Rat Society - Girls - https://www.instagram.com/deadratsocietymusic/
Cola - Albatross - https://cola.band/
Been Stellar - Sweet - https://beenstellar.com/
Asian Dub Foundation & Iggy Pop - No Fun - https://asiandubfoundation.bandcamp.com/
Glass Beams - Black Sand - https://glassbeams.com/
Amen Dunes - Rugby Child - https://bedroomdrum.com/
Ider - Unlearn - https://www.weareider.com/
Ezra Collective, Yazmin Lacey - God Gave Me Feet For Dancing - https://www.ezracollective.com/
Half Waif - Big Dipper - https://halfwaif.com/
Eva May - Where Does The Time Go - https://evamay.bandcamp.com/