X-Posure: 19 Apr 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Friedberg - Hello - https://friedbergmusic.com/Cooper T - Why You Running? - https://www.facebook.com/cooooper.t/
Afflecks Palace - You Are The Answer - https://www.facebook.com/AfflecksPalaceBand/
[X-Posure Hot One] Yannis & The Yaw, Tony Allen - Walk Through Fire - https://yannisandtheyaw.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Fontaines D.C. - Starburster - https://fontainesdc.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Coco And The Lost - Goodnight - https://www.cocoandthelost.com/
Blue Bendy - The Day I Said You'd Died (He Lives) - https://bluebendy.bandcamp.com/
Prima Queen - Eclipse (Heartstrings Version) - https://primaqueen.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Kristin & Louise of Prima Queen part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Prima Queen - Back Row (Heartstrings Version) - https://primaqueen.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Kristin & Louise of Prima Queen part 2]
Emily Breeze - 1997 - https://www.facebook.com/EmilyBreezeMusic/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Kristin & Louise of Prima Queen part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] Prima Queen - Milk Teeth (Heartstrings Version) - https://primaqueen.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Kristin & Louise of Prima Queen part 4]
Martial Arts - Warsaw - https://www.facebook.com/themartialarts/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Kristin & Louise of Prima Queen part 5]
[Live Studio Guests] Prima Queen - Butter Knife (Heartstrings Version) - https://primaqueen.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Kristin & Louise of Prima Queen part 6]
Mary In The Junkyard - Marble Arch - https://www.instagram.com/maryinthejunkyrd/
Pom Poko - Champion - https://www.pompoko.no/
Gustaf - Close - https://www.gustaftheband.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Maruja - Zeitgeist - https://marujaofficial.co.uk/
Somebody's Child - Oh Emily - https://www.somebodyschildmusic.com/
Feet - Sit Down - https://feetband.co.uk/
Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard - Therapy - https://buzzardbuzzardbuzzard.com/
Candar - Glitz And Glamour - https://candarband.com/
Middleman - John Dillinger Died For You - https://middlemanldn.bandcamp.com/
Middleman - Imitation Blues - https://middlemanldn.bandcamp.com/
Bull - Head Exploder - https://bullband.bandcamp.com/
Autocamper - Blanche - https://www.facebook.com/automaticcamperband/
The Velvet Hands, Pythies - Chick Habits - https://thevelvethands.co.uk/
Aircooled - The Number One Song In Heaven - http://aircooledmusic.co.uk/
Office For Personal Development - 9 To 5 - https://www.opd.org.uk/
Cardinals - Unreal - https://cardinalsie.bandcamp.com/
A Certain Ratio - Surfer Ticket - https://www.acrmcr.com/
Bibio - The First Daffodils - https://www.bibio.co/
Sleaze - Daffodils - https://www.facebook.com/Wearesleaze/
Avis - Daffodil Girl - https://www.instagram.com/avisband/
English Teacher - Nearly Daffodils - https://www.englishteacherband.com/
Bby - Kill Me - https://www.instagram.com/bbytheband/
Lucy Rose - Light As Grass - https://www.lucyrosemusic.com/
This Is The Kit - Careful Of Your Keepers (Live At The Minack Theatre) - https://thisisthekit.bandcamp.com/
Singers & Players, Prince Far I - Bedward The Flying Preacher - https://singersplayers.bandcamp.com/
Flowered Up - Weekender (Beyond The Wizards Sleeve Re-Animation) - https://floweredupofficial.com/