X-Posure: 09 Mar 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Bedroom Tax - Hands On The Wheel - https://www.facebook.com/bedroomtaxmusic/Two Door Cinema Club - Happy Customers - https://twodoorcinemaclub.com/
Ugly - Shepherd's Carol - https://uglyofficialuk.com/
The Black Keys - This Is Nowhere - https://theblackkeys.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Spangled - Horizon's Glance - https://www.facebook.com/Spangledband/
[X-Posure Hot One] Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Wild God - https://www.nickcave.com/
Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard - National Rust - https://buzzardbuzzardbuzzard.com/
Bingo Fury - Power Drill - https://bingofury.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jack Ogborne of Bingo Fury part 1]
[Live Studio Guests] Bingo Fury - Unlistening - https://bingofury.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jack Ogborne of Bingo Fury part 2]
Fat White Family - Bullet Of Dignity - https://fatwhitefamilymusic.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jack Ogborne of Bingo Fury part 3]
[Live Studio Guests] Bingo Fury - Centrefold - https://bingofury.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jack Ogborne of Bingo Fury part 4]
A Certain Ratio - All Comes Down To This - https://www.acrmcr.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jack Ogborne of Bingo Fury part 5]
[Live Studio Guests] Bingo Fury - Leather Sky - https://bingofury.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guests: Interview w/ Jack Ogborne of Bingo Fury part 6]
Shabaka Hutchings - End Of Innocence - https://www.shabakahutchings.com/
Kamasi Washington - Prologue - https://www.kamasiwashington.com/
Frank Turner - Do One - https://www.frank-turner.com/
My First Time - Workwear - https://my1sttime.bandcamp.com/
Kid Kapichi - Get Down - https://www.kidkapichi.com/
Chalk - Claw - https://chalkbelfast.bandcamp.com/
Underworld x Kettama - Fen Violet - https://underworldlive.com/
The Halfway Kid - Depressed With An Accent - https://www.thehalfwaykid.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Mary In The Junkyard - Ghost - https://www.instagram.com/maryinthejunkyrd/
The Rhythm Method - Just A Boys Game - https://thrhythmmthd.bandcamp.com/
Christian Music - Marimba-Tragic Death Cult - https://christianmusictheband.bandcamp.com/
The Silver Lines - Champagne (Cocaine) - https://www.thesilverlinesuk.com/
Bull - Head Exploder - https://bullband.bandcamp.com/
Lilla Shy - Lonely - https://www.lillashy.com/
Lana Lubany - Stanna - https://www.lanalubanymusic.com/
Joe Armon-Jones, Hak Baker - Wrong Side Of Town - https://joearmonjones.com/
Jordan Rakei - Freedom - https://www.jordanrakei.com/
Mo Kolours - Time - https://mokolours.bandcamp.com/
Japanese Television - Golden Birds - https://japanesetelevision.bandcamp.com/
The Rhythm Method - Peachy - https://thrhythmmthd.bandcamp.com/
Borough Council - Casino - https://www.instagram.com/boroughcouncil_/
The Blinders - Swallowing Static - https://www.theblindersofficial.com/
Billy Reeves - Soapbox! - https://soundcloud.com/billyreeves-music/
Kid Kapichi, Suggs - Zombie Nation - https://www.kidkapichi.com/
Red Rum Club - Hole In My Home - https://www.redrumclub.com/
King Creosote - It's Sin That's Got Its Hold On Us - https://www.kingcreosote.com/