X-Posure: 05 Jan 2024
Artist - Song - Link
Frank Turner - No Thank You For The Music - https://frank-turner.com/Snayx - Sink Or Swim - https://snayx.com/
The Courettes - Shake! - https://www.thecourettes.com/
James Spencer - Batley Boys - https://www.instagram.com/jamesspencerofficial/
Bob Vylan - Hunger Games - https://www.bobvylan.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] Ed Cosens - Doghouse - https://www.facebook.com/edcosensmusic/
[X-Posure Hot One] Liam Gallagher, John Squire - Just Another Rainbow - https://www.gallaghersquire.com/
Heartworms - May I Comply - https://www.facebook.com/heartwormsband/
[Archive Session, May 2023] HotWax - Rip It Out - https://www.hotwaxofficial.com/
Sprints - Cathedral - https://www.sprintsmusic.com/
The Cavs - The Kids Are Talking - https://cavsband.co.uk/
The Last Dinner Party - Caesar On A TV Screen - https://www.thelastdinnerparty.co.uk/
Office For Personal Development - Doing. Is. Thinking. - https://www.opd.org.uk/
John - At Peacehaven - https://www.johntheband.co.uk/
Nerves - Empty - https://www.instagram.com/nerves_ire/
[X-Posure Big One] Hotline TNT - I Thought You'd Change - https://hotlinetnt.bandcamp.com/
Juan Power, Mick Rolfe - Another's Wings - https://www.facebook.com/manpowermakesmusic/
Tatyana - Down Bad - https://tatyana.bandcamp.com/
Ricardo Autobahn - The Hands Of Porsche - https://www.instagram.com/ricardo_autobahn/
Jamie Webster - Looking Good - https://www.jamiewebstermusic.com/
[Archive Session, May 2023] HotWax - All I Want - https://www.hotwaxofficial.com/
Folly Group - I'll Do What I Can - https://follygroup.bandcamp.com/
Sprints - Heavy - https://www.sprintsmusic.com/
Modernlove - Unfamiliar Ceilings - https://www.facebook.com/modernloveband/
Thala - Honey (I Hope You Understand) - https://thalaofficial.bandcamp.com/
Mount Kimbie - Dumb Guitar - http://www.mountkimbie.com/
David Holmes, Raven Violet - Yeah x 3 - https://david-holmes.bandcamp.com/
Johnny Marr - The Answer - https://johnnymarr.com/
Death Milkshake - Shiny Thing - https://deathmilkshake.com/
Ducks Ltd - Hollowed Out - https://www.ducksltd.co/
Low Girl - Icarus - https://www.facebook.com/lowgirllowgirl/
Hajk - Something New - https://hajk.bandcamp.com/
The Lemon Twigs - My Golden Years - https://thelemontwigs.com/
Kneecap, Grian Chatten - Better Way To Live - https://www.kneecap.ie/
Cowz - Domination - https://www.instagram.com/wearecowz/
[Archive Session, May 2023] HotWax - Treasure - Treasure - https://www.hotwaxofficial.com/
Chroma - Don't Wanna Go Out - https://www.chroma.band/
Brave Liaison - Spike - https://www.facebook.com/BraveLiaison/
Chalk - The Gate - https://chalkbelfast.bandcamp.com/
Bilderbuch - Bluezone - https://bilderbuch-musik.at/
Chemtrails - Detritus Andronicus - https://adoseofchemtrails.bandcamp.com/
Ladylike - Southbound - https://www.instagram.com/ladylike.band/