X-Posure: 25 Nov 2023
Artist - Song - Link
English Teacher - Nearly Daffodils - https://www.englishteacherband.com/Shooting Daggers - Not My Rival - https://shootingdaggers.bandcamp.com/
The Menstrual Cramps - Body Politics - https://www.themenstrualcramps.com/
The Heavy North - Round Again - https://www.theheavynorth.com/
[X-Posure Hot One] The K's - Heart On My Sleeve - https://theks.band/
Picture Parlour - Judgement Day - https://www.facebook.com/pictureparlourband/
John J. Presley, Laura-Mary Carter - Sinnerman - https://johnjpresley.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ John J. Presley part 1]
[Live Studio Guest] John J. Presley - Silhouettes - https://johnjpresley.bandcamp.com/
The Pale White - Taste The Sun - https://www.thepalewhite.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ John J. Presley part 2]
[Live Studio Guest] John J. Presley - Gold - https://johnjpresley.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ John J. Presley part 3]
[Live Studio Guest] John J. Presley - Delicate Thread (Blue Eyes) - https://johnjpresley.bandcamp.com/
[Live Studio Guest: Interview w/ John J. Presley part 4]
John J. Presley - Silhouettes - https://johnjpresley.bandcamp.com/
Bob Vylan - He's A Man - https://www.bobvylan.com/
[X-Posure Big One] Chalk - The Gate - https://chalkbelfast.bandcamp.com/
UTO - Zombie - https://musicuto.bandcamp.com/
Deltaphase - Fckd Up - https://soundcloud.com/deltaphase_music/
Owls - Bury Me - https://www.instagram.com/owls_emee/
Carpark - Suburbs Of Hell - https://www.facebook.com/Carparkband/
Death Pill - Monsters - https://deathpillgrrrlz.bandcamp.com/
Cold In Berlin - Dream One - https://coldinberlin.com/
Lucidvox - There Ahead - https://lucidvox-band.bandcamp.com/
Deary - Heaven - https://deary.bandcamp.com/
Dead Freights - How Much To Call Me Daddy? - https://www.facebook.com/thedeadfreights/
Marvin's Revenge - Arnold 2021 - https://www.facebook.com/marvinsrevenge/
Ben Gregory - Same Mistakes (Live From Metropolis) - https://bengregorymusic.com/
Fat Dads - Jenny - https://fatdadsband.bandcamp.com/
The Snuts - Deep Diving - https://www.thesnuts.co.uk/
Logan's Close - Hot Blondes In Your Area Tonight - https://logansclose.com/
Langkamer - Jenny - https://langkamer.com/
Lola Wild - Here I Go - https://www.instagram.com/lolawildmusic/
Moderate Rebels - Reject All - https://modrebels.bandcamp.com/
Colouring - For You - https://colouring.bandcamp.com/
Soulnaturals, Chalibrann - Give Me The Strength To Be Me - https://soulnaturals.bandcamp.com/
Vince Clark - Blackleg - https://vinceclarke.bandcamp.com/
One True Pairing - Frozen Food Centre - https://onetruepairing.co.uk/
Chilli Jenson - Icarus - https://www.chillijesson.com/
The Cavs - The Kids Are Talking - https://cavsband.co.uk/
O. - Grouchy - https://www.otheband.com/
Friko - Crashing Through - https://www.whoisfriko.com/