X-Posure Daily: 10 Oct 2023
Artist - Song - Link
Blossoms, Findlay - To Do List (After The Breakup) - https://www.blossomsband.co.uk/Nightbus - Exposed To Some Light - https://nightbusuk.bandcamp.com/
Moderate Rebels - Reject All - https://modrebels.bandcamp.com/
Blue Bendy - Mr. Bubblegum - https://bluebendy.bandcamp.com/
Blush Always - Divers - https://www.blushalways.com/
Empty Country - Dustine - https://www.emptycountry.com/
Big Cat Chic - Grey Eyes - https://www.instagram.com/bigcatchic/
Sufjan Stevens - Goodbye Evergreen - https://sufjan.com/
Lloyd Cole - The Idiot - https://www.lloydcole.com/
The Lilacs - Act Your Age - https://upthelilacs.com/
Sun Room - At Least I Tried - https://www.sunroomtheband.com/
Coolgirl - Druid's Hood - https://coolgirl4lyfe.bandcamp.com/
Willie J Healey, Jamie T - Thank You - https://williejhealey.com/